Our Congregation

As a "House of Prayer" we love meeting new people. In our 205th year as a congregation, while we may be small in number, with 40 to 45 people in attendance on a typical Sunday morning, we are blessed to worship in a beautiful, large, historic sacred place. We have plenty of room for you and invite you to consider making First Baptist your church home. Come, grow in faith! 

First formed in 1812 in downtown Pittsburgh, the congregation moved into this church building in 1912. As a "house of prayer for all people" we are racially and culturally diverse and welcome all seeking to understand their faith or inquiring about Christianity. The First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh is located at the northeast corner of the University of Pittsburgh campus in the Oakland section of Pittsburgh, just a few blocks from Carnegie Mellon University and close to both Carlow and Chatham Universities.


We affiliated with American Baptist Churches USA. 

American Baptist Churches is one of the most diverse Christian denominations today, 

with approximately 5,000 local congregations comprised of 1.3 million members

across the United States and Puerto Rico.


Meet Our Pastor

Scott is from Pittsburgh and has worked in cross cultural ministry for 35 years.  He is married to Lisa and they have four sons ages 32, 31, 28 and 24.  Scott has been the director of Pittsburgh Region International Student Ministries for the past 23 years.   Prior to that Scott and Lisa served as church planters in the Republic of Slovenia with World Venture.  Scott received a M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and also has a BS degree in Mechanical Engineering from Ohio University.  He worked for five years in Portland, Maine as a mechanical engineer.  It was during this time that he sensed a call to ministry and left his job to attend seminary.  During seminary Scott served on a short-term mission trip with eastern European refugees in Austria.  This experience led him into long term missionary service.  Scott’s passion is to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ across cultures and to see churches established among the nations.

  • Our Mission

    As a "House of Prayer for All People we seek to glorify God in all that we do; to love God and to love and encourage one another. Our mission is Transformation: Transforming lives – through faith – in the risen Chris!

  • The Commission

    Through our worship, education and outreach we seek to fulfill the call of Matthew 28:19-20 to make disciples of all peoples and teach them to be faithful in following Christ.

  • Our Ambition

    As messengers of reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-21) we trust that if we help remove barriers God can work the miracle of new life. We promote an atmosphere where differing ideas can be viewed and expressed freely.

  • Our Position

    As a "house of prayer for all peoples" (Isaiah 56:7) we carry out our ministry in Oakland to people of diverse racial, cultural, and language backgrounds.